Local ministry background:
David grew up in a family of a preacher of Free Evangelical Church. He has always perceived faith as an important part of life. He surrendered his life to Jesus at a summer camp at the age of 12. He has been actively involved in serving children and youth since he was 20 years old. He organizes regular meetings of youth, summer mission camps etc.

David began with the HY ministry in 2020. First, he both lectured and worked as a teacher at the secondary grammar school. From September 2024, he joined the HY ministry “full time”. During the HY ministry, David meets children from the 1st to the 9th grade. In some cases, he visits also the 1st and the 2nd grade of high schools.

His aim is to help children and youth to navigate in today’s complicated and turbulent times and find a meaningful and healthy fulfillment in life. He shares values that he knows have a potential to transform lives. The principles and values, he transmits to children and youth, he himself tries to live out practically in his own life so that he can be an example to others.

More about programs

How he became a HY Worker:
David is experienced in working with children and youth in his home town – as a leisure-time-activity leader, teacher, instructor at outdoor schools and school adaptation retreats, or as a leader at summer mission camps.
His decision to become more of a HY Worker was prompted by the fact that as a teacher he did not have such a possibility to share what was on his mind with the children in the classroom. He perceives that as a HY Worker he can do more to shape the character of children, to talk openly about some of the challenges of today, to encourage children and young people and to give them hope.

He says of his HY ministry, “I bring a lot of interesting and thought-provoking information to the classroom, but I also wish for the pupils and the students to receive encouragement on how to apply specific ideas to practical life. I would like to see the individual programs actually lead to transformed lives, attitudes and values, and to present students with positive and healthy challenges through which they will be able to live meaningful lives.”
He adds: “I strive to practically live and share simple Christian attitudes and values that have the potential to transform lives.”


Program topics and resource:
David uses already verified and proven topics as follows:

To be friends, to have friends
We are a good bunch
We’re a team
My body, my home
Sailing the online sea
Saying YES, saying NO
To make learning not a torture
Bullying, teasing and me
Sex, AIDS and Relationships
World religions and sects
Not to smoke is cool
How not to be cheated
Heroism 2.0
The Hidden Dangers of the Internet 1 and 2
The Cult of the Beautiful Body
Pain – a disease called bullying
The dangers of internet pornography
Minus to plus with Comenius